Abby Invents Book Series from STEMist Dr. Arlyne Simon

Abby Invents Book Series from STEMist Dr. Arlyne Simon

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Featured STEMist and Biomedical Engineer Dr. Arlyne Simon brings us Abby Invents series which makes inventing FUN, RELEVANT and MAGICAL. Both book are hardcover and SIGNED by Dr. Arlyne Simon.

Abby Invents Unbreakable Crayons synopsis: Tired of coloring with broken crayons, Abby invents the world’s first UNBREAKABLE CRAYONS. She even gets a patent to prove it! Through Abby's failures and eventual success, she playfully introduces young readers to the scientific method.

Abby Invents the Foldibot synopsis: Abby thinks folding laundry is boring. Very boring. There are washing machines and dryers. There must be folding machines, too! Team up with Abby and Cousin Miko as they invent the Foldibot. The first prototype doesn’t work. Neither does the second. How many tries will it take? Join Abby as she earns her second patent.

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