FREE downloadable unit: Body and Brain Communication, 4-LS1-2

This 64-page free downloadable unit has everything ready-to-go to supplement NGSS standard 4-LS1-1 Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the information in different ways.

The standard 4-LS1-2 can be a confusing one, but once understood it is a standard that lends itself to a large variety of fun and inexpensive in-class activities. These lessons were developed by a former neuroscientist-turned-science-educator and the activities in it are a powerful way to start to understand perception.

The key is to tie the various activities to fundemental principals of how the brain and body communicate, and how the brain ultimately controls one’s perception of the world.

This lessons include:

NGSS Standards alignment * Teacher background * Ready-to-print lessons and hands-on activities * Teacher’s keys for all lessons and activities * A poem summarizing the material.

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