Resources Related to the STEM Trading Cards
Resources below directly relate to, or incorporate, the STEM Trading Cards and the STEMists featured on them!
These lessons features #STEMist Dr. Seafa Ramos from Series 1. In this series of lessons, students learn about Traditional Ecological Knowledge, also known as Indigenous science. Lessons examine different ways of learning about science, relationships with the environment, and culminate in simulated mammal survey. Students are introduced to Dr. Seafha Ramos, a wildlife ecologist and Yurok tribe member.
This lesson features multiple medical illustrators, including Li Yao, featured on STEM Trading Cards Series 2. This is a fun and easy at-home activity - all you need is a pencil and piece of paper! Students learn now to draw a stomach, the lungs and the heart, and also learn about a unique art and science career path! Parent Implementation Level: Easy
Outside Resources to access:
Story Bots. We love Story Bots ( and have no affiliation). It’s a show available on Netflix with little cartoon robots who answer STEM-based questions for kids. Even as adult science educators we have learned from this show, so it’s good for all ages. Yes we love hands-on learning but it’s hard to deny the power of this show! [We have only reviewed the videos, not the books].
Free printable life-size body parts from “Adventure in A Box.”
More background on sound. This page “Everything You Should Know About Sound” breaks down the different types of waves and shows how sound waves work with gifs. It’s very clarifying.
NGSS Resource: STEM Teaching Tools - a great resource for teachers ready to dig deeper into NGSS.