Name: Dr. Gentry Patrick. Born: 1970. Gentry is a Neurobiologist. He studies brain cells (neurons), and how they connect and communicate with each other. Fact 1: Gentry aims to understand the biochemical changes caused by diseases in the brain. Fact…


Karim Kai Ani is the founder of Citizen Math, which writes math lessons about real-world issues. Lessons explore questions such as "Should people with small feet pay less for shoes?,” "Should the government increase the minimum wage?," and even "Do bad days make good days feel better?"

Math is a powerful tool for thinking critically about the world and living more actively in it. Mr Ani strongly believes that “mathematics can help us think more clearly about important issues in society and debate them more respectfully.” Citizen Math lessons help teachers and students use math to see the world differently and transform their classrooms into forums for important and thought-provoking conversations.

In addition, Mr. Ani spends his time writing his perspectives on poverty and inequality around the world; related articles and photographs can be found on his website

Further Resources
(some links may repeat from above)

Follow him on Twitter @karimkai and @Mathalicious