Name: Dr. Taylor Welsh. Taylor is a science educator. She creates and teaches fun science lessons to kids. Fact 1: Taylor studied biology and the brain (neuroscience) and has always had a passion for teaching. Fact 2: Taylor co-founded the Virginia …


Dr. Taylor Welsh teaches kids about science! She is the Regional Director and co-founder of Science Delivered’s Virginia branch. In addition to teaching, she creates lessons and programs. Her favorite part of teaching science is how the students react to experiments: the looks of surprise when something happens they didn’t expect, or the looks of triumph when they correctly predict the outcome.

Dr. Welsh has a PhD in biology. For her graduate work she studied cells called glia that are found in the brain and nervous system. She studied how these cells move and interact to help the nervous system do its job. One of the most fun things about this work was getting to use special microscopes with lasers and make beautiful, colorful pictures of real, living cells. Some of her pictures can be found at this link.

Dr. Welsh also teaches workshops to help scientists be better communicators and connect with their communities.

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