STEM Trading Card. Dr. Arlyne Simon. Born 1986. Arlyne is a Biochemical Engineer. She solves problems using biology, chemistry, and engineering! Fact 1: Arlyne invented a blood test that can tell when cancer patients reject bone marrow transplants. …


Do you feel a connection with Dr. Arlyne Simon and her work? Well here is something she would like you to know; she is a "multipotentialite." Can you say that word? It's a tongue twister!

She has received a special badge from United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) AND wrote the children’s book Abby Invents Unbreakable Crayons. WOW - Way to go Dr. Simon!

Further Resources

Follow her on Twitter: @Dr.ArlyneSimonPhD
Follow her on Instagram: @arlynesimonphd


Short STEM Star Interview

Q: What was your favorite subject in K-5 or K-12?
A: K-5 (science), K-12 (chemistry, biology, literature)

Q: Did you have a favorite teacher growing up? Why were they your favorite?
A: Yes! Miss Robinson! She was my 7th grade teacher. She taught us songs in math, english and science class. That was how I learned how to do Long Division and how I remembered how to spell words with "i" before "e" or "e" before "i".

Q: Who inspired your growing up? Why?
A: My aunt. She had a cool job in tourism and she always made time to take me to do fun things on the weekends like going to the movies or the beach.

Q: Do you have children, nieces, or nephews?
A: Nieces and nephews. I encourage their curiosity. I also show them how you can balance having a career and have fun. We travel together, do fun science experiments at home and we go to Broadway shows.

Q: Do you have pets or a favorite animal?
A: Dogs are my favorite! I love their loyalty, how quickly they learn new tricks and how happy they are to see me when I come home.

Q: What is your favorite non-work activity, hobby or way to relax?
A: I love reading and traveling.

Q: What is the weather like where you live?
A: I live in Oregon so it rains very often.

Q: Did you have a favorite game or song as a child?
A: Favorite Game - Tag, you're it!

Q: Is there anything interesting you’d like us to share that’s not covered in the topics above?
A: I grew up on a tiny island in the Caribbean called Dominica.