Mr. Craig Newmark started the classified ads website craigslist. On craigslist, people can buy and sell items, rent apartments, look for jobs, and more.
The service began in 1995 as an actual list of events happening in and around San Francisco that Mr. Newmark (Craig) would email to his friends. Today, more than 5 billion ads have been posted on the site, most of them for free.
Since then, Mr. Newmark has focused on supporting causes that are important to him. Through his foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, he works to advance people and grassroots organizations that are “getting stuff done” in areas that include trustworthy journalism & the information ecosystem, voter protection, women in technology, and veterans & military families.
Further resources
Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Mr. Newmark’s Wikipedia page
Follow him on Twitter: @craignewmark