This is it, you found your STEM TRADING CARDS connection! This is your place to find out more stuff about the cards and the STEM Stars that you love!
First, what are STEM Trading Cards? STEM Trading Cards are cards that feature people who have careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math! You can collect the cards and trade them with your friends while you learn about the amazing people and careers in STEM
Second, what is a "STEMist" or "STEM Star"? These are terms we use to describe people who have careers in STEM, or even to describe people like you who love STEM! We collaborated with all our STEM Stars to feature them on the cards.
Now to the cards! Do you have a favorite STEM Star card? Do you like what the STEM Star does? Would you like to do what they do? Uncover more awesome facts and stories about that person by going to the STEM Stars pages and clicking on their links. What you will see is a lot of really cool ways that they are shaping your and your future. You will also get to know them and other fun things they like to do!
There is STEM all around you! It took many STEM Star minds to create this website that you are on - did you know that? Meaning, people had to know about technology, science, coding and other STEM subjects to build computers and the internet, and even to design this web page! When you drive in a car, plant seeds in a garden, go to a doctor, or watch a video, you are relying on STEM knowledge!
Learn about STEM with those around you! Did you also know that your teachers, parents, and other adults in your life know a ton about STEM? Did you know that these adults are passing along that knowledge to you every day? Even if the adults in your life don't study STEM, they've learned so much about STEM subjects just by living all these years. You can continue learning about STEM together.
Are you are trying to decide which kind of STEMist you want to be? Don't worry, you don't have to decide on just one type! In time, through studying your trading cards and learning more about what different STEM Stars do, you can become laser-focused on the areas that make you the most excited.
STEM TRading Card Series
We have three series of cards you can collect
1. STEM ONE series
2. CAPTS series
3. Everyday Superheros series.
The cards you have with a CX (X being a number) in the upper left corner or “CAPTS-created” on the back were designed by high school students that are excited about STEM!
CAPTS stands for Communication and Presentation Through Science. CAPTS students also work in the classroom with teachers to help drive the curiosity of younger minds and cheer them on to excel in STEM.
“Everyday Superhero” cards have an “ES” in the upper left corner and feature women from the book “Everyday Superheros: Women in STEM” by Erin Twamley.
We also have “Company Cards” that were sponsored by STEM companies. You can see these online. At present you can see employees from Nordson, Dr. Bernard A. Harris Jr who leads NMSI and learn about Catlilli Games.
Who MAde These cards?
Have you ever worked on a group project in school? Creating these cards was a group project from the nonprofit Science Delivered, including Executive Director Dr. Olivia Mullins and our amazing volunteers. Lindsay Malatesta designed this website, Jefferson Fee created much of the copy (writing), Sam Yat-Long Poon filmed and edited the Kickstarter video, CJ Kenna did the original card design and Dean Van Eimeren did the most recent card designs! We also thank the STEM Stars for sending us their information and images, and allowing us to feature them on the cards!
All the STEM Stars and all of us at Science Delivered want you to share the cards with the people you know, like your parents or friends and maybe an aunt, uncle, cousin or grandparent would like to see them too!
Keep collecting and showing off your STEM Trading Cards - check back here too sometime because there might be new cards on their way!